An update on the entrepreneurship path


Just over a month has elapsed since I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey. I thought it would be an enriching experience to share my current standing, the emotional journey, and my forward-looking plans.

Firstly, I revel in the ability to bring my ideas to life without the need for consensus from multiple stakeholders or trying to convince senior leadership about its merits. It feels like a breath of fresh air to not have to deal with those challenges anymore, though it doesn’t come without its own set of trade-offs. The challenge is not to solely chase joy and fulfillment but also to create a profitable, sustainable business.

The primary engine for this is Tuist and Tuist Cloud. Tuist Cloud, a feature set necessitating an HTTP server, forms the ideal foundation to create a sustainable business model. This is vital to ensure the longevity of Tuist, currently buckling under the weight of an influx of support and feature requests. As for whether it will be open source, the jury’s still out. Initially, I aim to establish the most suitable form for the business, after which it will be prudent to navigate the legalities associated with making it open source. In terms of the programming language and frameworks, I have chosen Elixir and Phoenix for their ability to streamline my processes and accelerate iterations. While Swift on the Server shows promise, it’s currently more time-efficient to leverage existing solutions than to build missing components.

Alongside this, I have conceived a tool designed for React Native developers, using Tuist as a foundation. However, that idea is on hold until the feasibility of Tuist Cloud is confirmed. If Tuist Cloud doesn’t meet expectations, this alternate path awaits exploration.

A secondary focus of mine is Glossia, an AI-based localization tool I’m co-creating with my wife, a former member of the localization team at Shopify. We recognized several issues in the localization process that need addressing:

The solution to these issues appeared elusive until we delved deeper into the possibilities of AI. Our subsequent experiments hint at a potential breakthrough. Our combined expertise allows us to envision a solution that’s easy to use and integrate into existing workflows. We’re vigorously working towards an MVP before summer ends. Provided things go smoothly, we’ll cultivate a community of translators and developers and strive for integration with the most popular frameworks, including Shopify Apps. We firmly believe in the necessity of translating these apps to ensure accessibility.

In conclusion, I am thoroughly enjoying this journey despite the financial uncertainty that looms. I remain hopeful that we will soon see clarity on that front. If by year-end the financial landscape remains murky, we might seek external support, equipped with a solid foundation of work. I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and I am eager to share more about our journey in future posts.