Embracing the Journey of an Indie Developer


I’ve been doing some serious thinking about where I want my career to go, and guess what? I’ve had this amazing realization—I want to dive into the world of indie development!

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had this crazy passion for creating stuff and sharing it with the world. Drawing used to be my thing, and it still brings me so much peace. But then, technology came along, and I realized that software development is like a superpower for bringing ideas to life. I’ve built open source tools, given awesome talks, organized conferences, and built communities.

For a while, I followed the traditional path that everyone around me was taking—getting a stable job, working eight hours a day, and enjoying vacation time. And you know what? It was great! But deep down, I’ve been craving something more—a closer connection to software development, like a true craftsman. The idea scared me at first, but you know what? Life’s all about taking risks and chasing your dreams.

What’s fueling my fire to embark on this journey are the positive feedback and the adoption of the tools I’ve created. Just look at Tuist, for example. Big names like Adidas, Bloomberg, American Express, Monday, Stripe, and even Ford Motors are using it to handle their Xcode projects. And let’s not forget about the revamp of Shopify’s CLI that I came up with to support their future.

So here’s the plan: I’ll start by identifying the best ideas and diving right into them. I’m even excited to explore new domains beyond developer experience. I’ll focus on building my personal brand, getting super active on my blog and social networks, so I can build a source of revenue as a contractor if I’m not able to monetize the ideas.

I’m all about doing less but doing it way better — putting all my passion into a handful of projects.

I’m bursting with excitement as I embark on this new chapter in my career. The last time life threw a similar opportunity my way was when I made one of the best decisions of my life—moving to Berlin. And now, as I enter my thirties, it’s time for me to jump on this train of endless possibilities.

If any of you have walked a similar path and want to share your experiences, I’d be thrilled to hear from you. I have so much to learn, and your insights would be priceless. Shoot me an email at hola@pepicrft.me.

Let’s make magic happen together!