Website redesign


Working on Tuist dashboard, and learning and writing HTML and CSS, motivated me to redesign my website, which is powered by Elixir Phoenix.

The design principle that I followed was to make it as simple as possible. I used the same font-size and font throughout the website and played with the font-weight and gap to create a visual hierarchy. I’m quite happy with the result.

I took the opportunity to add new pages. I added a feed page to surface my posts from Mastodon, and photos to do the same with my Pixelfed posts. Since those pages are rendered on the server, I fetch the data from the respective APIs and populate the pages with it. I also added a now page that I plan to keep up to date with the latest ideas, thoughts, and things I’m interested in.

After having done this work, I’m quite excited about using the web platform in its rawest form. No TailwindCSS, no static site generators, #nobuild setup.