I'm allergic to complexities


Call me weird, but I’m allergic to complexities. There are software crafters who enjoy understanding and working with complexities in software. I only enjoy understanding them to conceptually compress them to build simpler experiences that are fun to work with. At the end of the day, it’s not fun if you want to deliver value to people, and your tools, frameworks, and languages slap your face with complexities. Here are some examples of unnecessary complexities that I’m intentionally avoiding because they are not fun:

I believe the ecosystems with the healthiest communities are the ones that can spot the complexities and work together to simplify them. Rails is an excellent example of that. Erlang and Elixir have also done a great job at that. That’s the reason why I connect with them and enjoy working with them. Because I can stay focused on the problem that I’m trying to solve and not on the tools that I’m using to solve it. And more importantly, I do it with the relief of knowing that they haven’t abstracted a huge pile of complexity like JavaScript is obsessed with doing. Because knowing that makes me uncomfortable. That pile of complexity is going to bite me at some point, and I’m going to have to deal with it. Not for me.