Balancing mastery and sustainability


My work with Tuist has revealed the intricate evolution of open-source projects into complex systems that demand effective governance. I embarked on this journey with a singular focus on craft and community, yet as the project expanded, I found myself juggling numerous roles. These included coding, updating social media, reviewing code, delivering talks, writing documentation, providing support, and even redesigning and implementing websites. Such diverse tasks are typically handled by specialized roles or entire teams in corporations, but in the realm of open-source, these responsibilities often fall on a few individuals, sometimes just one. This can lead to burnout, a struggle often borne in silence due to a fear of appearing vulnerable to the community. It feels like an unspoken obligation to live up to a vision, showcasing the complex nature of human psychology.

This experience has taught us to approach our projects with a renewed perspective, particularly considering the significant impact they have on mental health and motivation. These human aspects are crucial to the wellbeing and innovation of the project. My deep-seated passion for Tuist’s problem domain has driven me towards mastery, a trait I share with other maintainers. However, an exclusive focus on mastery can lead to an imbalance, potentially risking the project’s long-term sustainability. It is encouraging to see individuals and organizations prioritize mastery over profit and growth, but the challenge arises when the system fails to support individuals financially. Therefore, designing and implementing a supportive framework within the project is imperative.

This task is inherently challenging. Any evolution from a well-established model is bound to encounter resistance. Looking back at the inception of Tuist, I ponder whether I could have anticipated the system’s current needs. At that time, the project’s future was uncertain, with no user base for over a year. In hindsight, there was certainly room for improvement, but my intense focus on the craft limited my foresight regarding the system’s evolution. Observing projects like Sourcery and Sourcery Pro, it’s intriguing to see the acceptance of open-core models contrasted with criticism of open-source projects evolving toward that model.

We acknowledge our imperfections and embrace the learning curve ahead. Our conviction in our decisions remains strong, and we are prepared to learn and pivot as needed, as we have over the past five years. Currently, we are focused on a major update for Tuist, signaling a new and significant phase in the project’s journey.