Reclaiming Mental Peace: My Personal Odyssey


Every morning, I wake up with a vigor that promises a fruitful day. But come evening, my mind clouds over, leaving me mentally drained. This daily battle with mental fatigue has shadowed me for years. I’d gaze at my reflection, asking the weary eyes staring back, “What am I missing?”

During a recent bout of unemployment, I found a quiet moment of clarity to understand the roots of my exhaustion. Today, I’m opening my heart to share what I’ve unearthed and the measures I’m taking to reclaim my mental peace.

When I share my daily tasks with friends, their eyebrows raise in surprise at my seemingly endless activities. But here’s my confession: building software isn’t just a job for me, it’s a sanctuary. Just as an artist finds solace in their brushstrokes, I find joy in coding. It’s a family trait, I believe. My parents and sister are ceaseless whirlwinds of energy, and pausing what they love would be like caging a free spirit. I cherish the moments of creativity my craft brings me, ensuring I balance my passion with rest.

However, another culprit silently contributed to my mental turmoil: my dwindling exercise routine. Once, the rhythmic pounding of my feet on the pavement was my daily ritual. Yet, I let life’s distractions coax me away from it. But every time I return, like my recent run through the familiar paths of Cieza in Spain, I’m reminded of the mental clarity it grants me. So, I’ve made a pact with myself - daily exercise, with occasional breaks.

Diving deeper into my daily life, I noticed a pattern. My attention flitted like a restless butterfly: from Slack to coding, coding to email, email to countless other tasks. These ceaseless shifts became second nature, feeding my anxiety. To counteract this, I now set specific times for checking emails, social media, and other apps, training myself to relish moments of stillness without the lure of aimless scrolling.

I’ve also introduced a faithful companion to my life: Todoist, a TODO app. Before, I tackled tasks as they appeared, like a ship swaying with the tide. Now, I pen down every thought and prioritize tasks each evening, setting clear intentions for the next day. Adopting this methodical approach has been a challenge, given my instinctive chaotic nature, but its promise of a calmer mind drives me forward.

Coming to terms with the fact that life’s to-do list is ever-growing has been a revelation. My labor of love, Tuist, always has a fresh challenge. But I’ve learned the art of setting boundaries, prioritizing mental well-being above all. I’ve also carved out pockets of time to indulge in tasks that might not be ‘productive’ but nourish my soul.

These changes, though recent, have begun to mend my mental fabric. I now greet evenings with a clearer mind and a more present heart. My journey is still unfolding, and I remain a student of life, always eager to refine my ways. Sharing my story here is my way of reaching out, hoping my experiences might resonate with someone else. If you’ve carved your path to mental well-being, I’d love to walk a mile in your shoes and learn from it.