Tuist: From Passion to Craftsmanship, Charting New Horizons


If you’ve journeyed with me from the onset, you’ll recall the birth of Tuist and how I’ve nurtured it through thick and thin. Since its inception in 2018, we’ve navigated tumultuous waters, including those frenzied days at my previous job. Today, allow me to pull back the curtain, recounting our adventures, triumphs, and the promising horizon ahead.

For newcomers, here’s a quick sketch: Tuist began as a beacon for developers crafting apps for Apple’s platforms using Xcode. It sprung from a desire to simplify and enhance Xcode project scalability. Today, it’s not just a tool; it’s a foundation. While I had dabbled in open source before, Tuist eclipsed them all in popularity. So, what made Tuist stand out?

At its heart, Tuist was conceived out of profound passion. The challenges we wrestled with at Soundcloud often led to solutions that felt complex and cumbersome. I was determined to simplify this. My time at SoundCloud gifted me insights into scalability, which I infused into Tuist. It’s a legacy I wear proudly, one where contributors can engage meaningfully without drowning in the vast sea of code.

However, Tuist’s true magic unfolded unhurriedly. Balancing it with my full-time job meant limited but quality hours poured into it. This allowed for rich contemplation and design, even if I was just “coding in my head.” My style might lean towards the classic in Swift, but its architecture is solid and purposeful.

Then came the beautiful moment when like-minded souls began rallying around Tuist. Kas‘s comprehensive issue, considering its use at Bloomberg, was a pivotal turning point. Soon, MarekDanielle, and many others joined our ranks. The ebb and flow of contributors, like the heartbeat of any thriving organization, propelled Tuist forward.

Our strength lay in our foundations, direction, and vibrant community. With our energy levels skyrocketing 🚀, more organizations began embracing Tuist. While Apple endeavored to shift everyone towards the Swift Package Manager, we held our ground, earning our user’s trust and appreciation.

Today, Tuist stands at a crossroads. To forge ahead and ensure its longevity, we’re introducing Tuist Cloud - a premium, integrated suite for organizations. This initiative goes beyond mere donations, transforming Tuist into a sustainable enterprise. Yes, it’s a path strewn with challenges - from liaising with legal teams to mastering the art of sales. Yet, it’s these very challenges that ignite my passion. They’re opportunities in disguise, ones that promise to elevate Tuist to greater heights.

I may not have a crystal ball to glimpse into Tuist’s distant future, but our commitment is unwavering. We’ll continue innovating, always pushing the boundaries, and granting Tuist the superpowers it rightly deserves.

Here’s to the boundless possibilities that await.