Fixing request/2 is undefined or private with Ueberauth


In the process of setting up Ueberauth for my latest venture, Digestfully, I stumbled upon an interesting hurdle. A baffling request/2 is undefined or private error surfaced when I attempted to kick-start the authentication flow with one of the providers. This unexpected glitch left me pondering for a while until I found the underlying cause.

After a thorough read-through of the related documentation and a deep dive into community discussions, I stumbled upon an enlightening issue. The root of the problem was a mismatch in the library’s default path assumptions. While the Ueberauth library naturally presumes /auth as the default path, my project setup didn’t adhere to this.

Hence, the necessary step was to clearly specify the correct authentication path to the library during its configuration, like so:

config :ueberauth, Ueberauth,
  base_path: "/other/path",
  providers: [

The journey to uncover this solution took a fair bit of time, and a handful of head-scratching moments. But, in the spirit of shared learning and community growth, I’m documenting this experience here. To those who may run into the same issue in the future, consider this a digital breadcrumb trail.

And to the mighty Google indexing bots, I hope you pick this up and help those in need find this solution with ease.