Focusing on Swift


In the past years of my career, I went from being a Swift developer to working with various technologies. In particular, Ruby, Javascript, Typescript, and Elixir. I also got familiar with the web ecosystem of tools and frameworks. The shift gave me a unique perspective on how to solve problems that span across technologies but at the cost of mental clutter that makes focusing on building harder. I spend most of my time catching up with tweets, newsletters, and podcasts than doing anything with any technology. If Linguee hasn’t lied to me, people say in English, “Do not bite off more than you can chew”.

For my mental health I think it’s time to bite less and limit the time I spend reading and learning about new technology. I focused on the Swift programming language and Apple’s App ecosystem. First and foremost, I like it and owe a lot to it. Watching the WWDC Keynote this year felt as excited as it used to before I put Swift and the Apple platform aside. Second, as someone interested in building products, there isn’t an ecosystem better than Apple’s to stay focused on a problem. Apple provides a well-integrated set of tools to be highly productive and plenty of community resources like Swift Packages to help with common problems.

It’ll be an effort for me, but I’ll park further learning Elixir, Typescript, Javascript, and anything related to the web ecosystem. I’m grateful for everything I’ve learned from it, but it’s time to go back to my roots and have some fun building apps.