What I like from Ruby and Rails


The more I use Ruby and Rails, the more I like it. I’ve played with Typescript lately, and it continues to feel heavy: parenthesis and brackets everywhere, layers on indirection through tools to accommodate the Javascript to the browser or to your preferred way of writing it. It’s a powerful programming language but it doesn’t spark the same joy that Ruby does.

Ruby is lean. There’s an interpreter in your system that you pass your code to. Bundler ensures that the directories of your dependencies are loadable and that’s it. No Babel, Webpack, Typescript…. It simply works. That’s what you want at the end of the day, not spending time figuring out issues or how to configure underlying tools.

The only reason why I’d use Javascript is to be able to describe a website using React’s approach to represent states and encapsulate dynamic behaviors through hooks. That’s why I use Gatsby for creating statically generated sites over alternatives like Jekyll, or the so-talked-about in the Swift community, Publish, that would lock myself to Xcode.

Going back to Ruby and Rails, what do I like about it?:

This is my preferred stack when building software these days:

And you? What language/technology do you like the most and why? Let me know on Twitter Twitter.