Generating Typescript code from a GraphQL schema


Today, I learned about a tool called GraphQL Code Generator turns a GraphQL schema into typed models and utilities for interacting with a GraphQL API. In my case, I’m using it in a React application where I’m using Apollo as the client. Using the tool is as simple as adding a configuration YAML at the root of the project:

schema: schema.graphql
    documents: 'app/javascript/**/*.graphql'
      - typescript
      - typescript-operations
      - typescript-react-apollo
      reactApolloVersion: 3

And then running yarn graphql-codegen. The tools outputs a .ts that contains all the necessary code for interacting with the API. For example, the snippet below shows how to fetch the current user by using the generated code:

import { useMeQuery } from 'graphql/types';

const MyComponent = () => {
	const { data, loading, error } = useMeQuery();
	return <div>{data}</div>;

In the past are those days with Objective-C and Swift when I had to write the client-side models manually using the API documentation. Who wants to do that again after seeing such a powerful workflow? By the way, Shopify has a similar tool that generates models in Swift & Kotlin - it’s called Syrup and it’s open source.