Evolving Tuist's architecture


I’m flying back from Tokyo and took the opportunity to code a bit on Tuist. Since I don’t have Internet connection to get distracted with, I decided to work on something that doesn’t require Internet connection: improving the project architecture.

I’m quite happy with how the project has evolved so far with the help of everyone involved in the project. The slow yet steady pace of adoption in the community made it easy to keep en eye on the project’s architecture while introducing new features. Doing so is crucial to have a healthy codebase that has little technical debt and allows adding new features easily.

Over the project’s lifetime, we moved from a single-target project to a modularized one. Perhaps because I was heavily influenced by my work at SoundCloud, where I introduced the idea of Microfeatures. Although the main goal of modularizing the codebase was to improve developers’ productivity, it allowed identifying and defining different areas of responsibility that were represented as frameworks. Teams worked independently but highly aligned thanks to shared utilities that were core to SoundCloud business domain.

I believe the benefits of having a modularized architecture for Tuist are the following:

So far the areas of responsibilities, and therefore frameworks, that we have identified in the project are the following:

All targets have an associated -Testing targets, which provide test data and mocks to the targets that depend on them. This is another idea that I “stole” from my time at SoundCloud and that I really like because you are facilitating future testing work. Writing a test and realizing there are mocks for our test subject dependencies already defined is priceless. Some people prefer to use tools like Sourcery for this type of work, but I’m a bit old-school here.

There’ll soon be another domain with its own target, Linting, whose logic is currently implemented as part of Loader. Linters make sure that the project is in a valid state. Otherwise, they output errors and warnings to the users, and depending of the severity, they fail the project generation. The goal here is to save developers some time debugging issues in their projects.

In a nutshell, we can summarize Tuist’s project generation as a sequence of 4 steps:

  1. Loading
  2. Linting
  3. Transformation
  4. Generation

If we translate that to code, we might be

func generarte(load: (AbsolutePath) throws -> Graph,
               lint: (Graph) throws -> [LintingIssue],
               transform: [(Graph) throws -> Graph] = [],
               generate: (Graph) throws -> Void)

Beautiful, isn’t it? We are not there yet but that’s the idea. Once we get there, I’d love to explore the idea of allowing developers to define their own transformations, either locally, or imported from third-party packages defined as Swift packages.

There could be a transformation that adds a Swiftlint to all the targets:

final class SwiftLintTransformer: TuistTransformer {
  func transform(graph: Graph) throws -> Graph {
    // Traverse projects' targets and add the build phase

Architecting code and projects is a pleasing exercise, and I love it!