Creating experiences


There’s something in Tuist that keeps me very engaged with the project. Never before I had had that experience with other projects; I think it has something to do with the fact that with Tuist I’m creating new experiences and workflows that would otherwise be unimaginable.

After years of iOS development, I feel we have been accommodating our workflows and tools to what we were given by Apple. With Tuist I’m taking down those constraints. I imagine how I’d like the experience to be and then craft it as such.

If I would like to describe dependencies as .target("Core") I codify it. If build times are slow, I think of ways of making them fast and add them to Tuist. I can push myself outside my comfort zone of just developing and work on designing a brand, a website. The same goes for writing documentation and building a community of enthusiastic developers that share the vision of the projects. That’s damn exciting and can’t stop doing it.

It’s also exciting thinking of solutions for problems that I experienced myself. For instance, project generation is a solution to a problem: Xcode projects exposing too many complexities that difficult its maintenance and growth. Nowadays I look at Tuist’s API and keep thinking further through ideas to make the API simpler and nicer. I’m not building a project generator, I’m building a tool to improve developers’ experience using Xcode.

And I do all of this in the open because I’d like anyone to be part on helping others. I worked on a solid foundation to make this possible and now I’m starting to see the results.

Creating experiences in the open is awesome.