A period of changes


It’s been a while since I wrote my last blog post here. During this time there’s been some important changes in my life and my professional career and I felt like writing them down in an unstructured blog post.

The first of those changes is that I was giving the opportunity to give management a try. Changing paths in my career is something that I’ve always wanted to try and my team, and specially Mark, gave me the opportunity to do so. It’s been a few weeks learning a lot and getting used to it. I’m starting to feel how my ability and time to code is decreasing and I’m doing a little bit of everything. The part that I find the most exciting about this job is that I’ll have the opportunity to enable my peers to achieve their goals.

The change didn’t came alone. A person that I worked with was moved to another team temporarily to help tackle a company-wide pressing issue. That means our team went back to 2 people, being one of them a new individual contributor (IC) that just joined our team. We had to asses our resources and the projects that we where championing, and cut down some workload to help the team accommodate all the changes.

On the personal side of things, I’ve been dealing with some bureaucratic paperwork in regards to the apartment that María José and I bought in Berlin. We are very excited to be in this journey together and very looking forward to having the keys in March next year. Luckily, the amount of paperwork has reduced significantly and these days, we just get letters from Deutsche Bank with the recent movements in our bank accounts. Also, in the vein of organizing stuff, our wedding is in less than a month, so we’ve been working hard to make sure that everything is ready for it.

On another topic, I’ve been pondering again the idea of quitting social networks. I keep thinking they are not doing any good to my brain and that they put something on me which I don’t like: constantly seeking recognition and approval. For some people it might just be ok, but I don’t want my brain to only be ok when it has doses of those. I closed, again, my Facebook account, and reduced my usage of Twitter. The time that I used to spend on those places, I spend it drawing or just not doing anything. This re-education process won’t be easy, but I think my brain will be so thankful for it.

An last but not least, damm, I’m having a lot of fun playing with Gatsby and theme-UI. It reminds me to the early days of learning iOS or Swift when everything was new and joyful. I’m playing with them to polish Tuist’s website and I’m even considering drawing the illustrations of the website. Why not? I like to develop but also shape other areas of the project that have nothing to do with development.

Hope you are all having a lovely week.