Modular Xcode projects


Building modular projects with Xcode requires a good understanding of the project structure and its foundational concepts. The project structure is something that we don’t usually care much about unless we start growing the project by adding more dependencies. Even in that case, most of the projects use CocoaPods that does the setup for us, or Carthage that doesn’t do the setup, but makes it as easy as just adding a couple of changes in your project build phases. When the configuration becomes more complicated, it’s very likely that we get confused because we didn’t fully grasp all the elements that are involved in Xcode projects. I usually get asked questions like:

In this blog post, I’d like to guide you through the Xcode projects elements, and the principles to modularize your setup by leveraging them. I hope that the next time you face any of those issues, you don’t need to spend a lot of time on Stack Overflow trying to find a non-random response.

Elements ⚒


Projects are made of smaller units called targets. Targets include the necessary configuration to build platform products such as frameworks, libraries, apps, testing bundles, extensions. You can see all the available types of target here. Targets can depend on each other. When a target depends on another, that target is built first to use its product from the dependent target. The target configuration is defined in the following places:

Due to the composability and reusability of .xcconfig files, it’s very recommended that you define the build settings in those files. Changes in the target configuration such as changes in the build settings, or build phases are reflected in the .pbxproj file, a custom-plist representation of your project that is a common source of conflicts when we work with Git in our projects. The easiest way to update the configuration in the pbxproj file is using Xcode, which knows how to read and write changes to those files. If for any reason, you were interested in updating those files without using Xcode, you could use tools like Xcodeproj for Ruby or Swift

I hope that Apple makes the definition of the projects more accessible by either using a different definition syntax or opening APIs. This lack of accessibility led me to write a tool like xcodeproj to read and update your Xcode projects in Swift.

The output of building the targets are either bundles such as apps, extensions, or tests that are loaded on the platform they were built for, or intermediate products such as libraries or frameworks that encapsulate code and resources to be used for other targets. The products that are generated as a result of building a target can be seen in the group Products of your target. A red color in these files references indicates that there’s no product, most likely because you haven’t built the target before.


Another element of Xcode projects is schemes. A project can have multiple of them, and they can be shared and included as part of the project to be used by the people working on the project. Schemes specify the configuration for each of the available actions in Xcode: run, test, profile, analyze and archive. We can specify which targets are built, in which order, and for which actions. We can also define the tests that will be run when we test that scheme and the configuration that is used for each of the actions.

It’s worth mentioning a few things about the build config of the scheme. When we specify which targets are built for which action, we don’t need to include the dependencies of our target in the following two cases:

By enabling the second flag, the build process should identify the dependencies of the targets that you are building and build them first. Moreover, if you enable Parallelize build, you’ll save some time since targets that don’t depend on each other will be built in parallel.

A bad build config might eventually lead to errors building your targets such as Framework XXX not found. If you ever encounter one of those, check if all the dependencies of your target are getting built when you build the scheme.

The scheme definition is stored in a xml file under Project.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcodeproj.xcscheme. In this case the format is plain xml and can be easily modified with any xml editor.


Multiple projects can be grouped in a workspace. When projects are added to a workspace:

As with schemes, workspaces are plain xml files that can be easily modified.

Dependencies 🌱

Targets can have dependencies. Dependencies are frameworks or libraries that our targets link against, and that include source code and resources to be shared with our target. Those dependencies can be linked static or dynamically:

The difference between a framework and a library (linked static or dynamically) is that frameworks can contain multiple versions in the same bundle, and also additional assets that can be used by the code.

A library is a .a file which comes from the (ar)chive file type. A single archive file can only support a single architecture. If more than one architecture needs to be packaged, they can be bundled in a fat Mach-O binary, a simple container format that can house multiple files of different architectures. If we would like to generate a fat Mach-O binary, modify an existing one, or extract a library based on a specific architecture, we can use a command line tool called lipo.

You can read more about frameworks/libraries and static/dynamic on the following link.

Applications can depend on precompiled and not-compiled dependencies.

Precompiled dependencies

Carthage is a good example of this kind of dependencies. Some SDKs are also distributed as compiled dependencies, like Firebase. When precompiled dependencies are libraries, they include the .a library and the public headers that represent the public interface of the library. When they are frameworks, they are distributed as a .framework that contains the library and resources.

When our app depends on precompiled dependencies it’s important that the dependency is built for the architecture we are building our app for. If any of the architectures is missing, we’ll get compilation errors trying to compile our apps. As we’ll see later, Carthage uses lipo to generate frameworks that contain the necessary architectures for the simulator and the device, stripping the ones that are not necessary based on the build configuration.

Non-compiled dependencies

CocoaPods is a good example here. Dependencies are defined in targets that compile the frameworks/libraries that we link against. There are multiple ways to specify in Xcode that our target depends on other target’s products:

A note on dependencies and configurations: The configurations of all the dependencies should match. If you are building your app with the Alpha configuration and any of the dependencies doesn’t have that configuration, the compilation will fail with a framework not found error. When that happens, Xcode doesn’t compile the framework but doesn’t throw any error.

Linking with Xcode

Targets can link against other targets outputs, and we can define the dependencies using Xcode tools like schemes, or target dependencies, but… how can we glue the dependencies defining the links between them?

1. Linking (static or dynamic) libraries and frameworks

We can define the linking via:

2. Exposing library headers

Libraries headers need to be exposed to the target that depends on the library. To do that, there’s a build setting, HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS where we can define the paths where the headers of the dependencies can be found. If we link a library but forget about exposing their headers, the compilation will fail because it won’t be able to find its headers.

3. Embedding frameworks into the products

App targets that link against dynamic framework need to copy those dependencies into the application bundle. This process is known as framework embedding. To do that we can use a Xcode Copy Files Phase, copying the frameworks to the Frameworks directory. Not only direct dependencies should be embedded, but also dependencies of our direct dependencies. If we miss any framework, the simulator will throw an error when we try to open the app.

Cases of study 👨‍💻

In this section, we’ll analyze how tools like CocoaPods and Carthage leverage the concepts introduced above to manage your project dependencies.


CocoaPods resolves your project dependencies and integrates them into your project. It’s been very criticised for modifying your project settings, but they improved a lot since the early versions, and they do it in such a way that it doesn’t require many changes in your project. What does it do under the hood?

The image below illustrates how the setup looks like:


Carthage approach is pretty different. Besides the resolution of dependencies, that in this case it’s decentralized, the tool generates pre-compiled frameworks that the developer needs to link and embed from its app:

I hope you found this post very insightful and that you could find answers to any doubt that you might have had. I’m not an expert on Xcode so you should expect some mistakes in the post. If you find any, please, don’t hesitate to report it to me. Xcode has good and bad things, like any other IDE, but having a better understanding of its elements will help you get the best out of it. Don’t be afraid of changing the setup and playing with schemes, targets, configurations. If you find yourself lost, I left a bunch of references in the section below. I recommend you to also use CocoaPods and Carthage as a reference and learn from them because they already spent a lot of time getting to know Xcode better to provide you with excellent tools for your projects.

Please, drop me a line with any question, concern or doubt you have.
