Codemotion experience


It was the first time I attended a developers event of that magnitude and I did it as a speaker. It was a challenge for me because I had given the same talk in my previous job office but not in a national event like Codemotion is. More than 1500 developers sharing their knowledge, their skills, tools, … and I was there to talk about the architecture VIPER we had been working with in Redbooth during the past months before leaving (I keep using it in my new job).

The organization of the event was perfect, time schedule, location of different talks regarding the talk expectancy, food, drinks, internet connection, … There’s something I think that could have been better but that is not related with the organization. It’s the naming of the talks. I went to some talks after reading the titlte and the description and finally found a different talk that I didn’t expect.

I’ve to say too that the level and the topic of talks there was amazing. Talks related with architecture, some others about testing, talks about tools, or workshops explaining you how to develop apps for Android wearable devices. I attended some iOS talks related with architectures where I was able to learn how other companies organize their code (especially those with a big projects that pay a lot of attention to their code base structure). I met people I only met from Twitter like @nsstudent or @alvaro_fr and talk a bit in person about our lifes and our current projects.

Regarding the talk I gave I have to say I wasn’t as nervous as some other times before. I was really relaxed because I enjoyed talking about how to make your projects cleaner and better organized. However I did it a bit faster and I had some problems with the project resolution and contacts which didn’t allow some attendants to read clearly the code examples on the slides. I was talking after the talk with some Tuenti engineers about different topics related with architecture and which one they are applying on their app. I’m glad to see that I was able to convince some developers about the importance of taking care of your code and not doing everything in a ViewController. Some of them contacted me later on Twitter and have started reading and analyzing the example project.

I have to say it was a tired experience because I didn’t sleep so much, I had to take the train with my Android Redbooth friends but I learnt a lot and got a lot of ideas to apply in my daily work. There’s no doubt that I’ll try to be there the next year.

See you the next year!