Leaving Redbooth


It’s difficult for me to talk about this and it was a few days ago when I had to tell my workmates about my decission, leaving Redbooth. I started with that startup from Barcelona when I haven’t finished my bachelor yet. They gave me the opportunity to work remotely and I did my best. I help firstly the iOS team when the company’s name was aready Teambox. Then I learnt a bit of Android when thought that I was able to help them and I thought why not?

It was difficult for me at first because I was used to Objective-C patterns and tools like XCode, Cocoapods, … Moreover the project was a bit messy but I did my best and then I improved the Java I had learnt at the University. I have to say that it was a great opportunity for me that I took advantage of. Since then I’ve done different mini projects/libraries in Android and I want to keep learning it (although I keep my strong opinion about the tools Google’s offering that are not as good as they shouln’t if we compare them with XCode for example)

I missed iOS, since I moved to Android the iOS team had implemented the iPad version, new components and some other interesting features. I wasn’t any more than a Junior developer in Android and I told the company about joinning again iOS as soon as they had a senior Android to replace me. Months later I ended up moving to iOS again until now.

Things I learnt from Redbooth

I’ve learnt a lot of since during these months in Redbooth that I will never forget and that have made me a better developer. Some of them has been:

Change of pace

It was difficult for me to take de decission, specially due to the previous points but I was very motivated with the new project and the idea behind it. The company is giving its first steps as a startup and it was a chance for me to learn about how to build a company from the scratch and work closed to the product (at least more than what I did in Redbooth). I’m going to have more flexibility now because I don’t have a fixed space of work or office. I can work at home, from a Coworking space, from a coffee, or even from the world. I’m totally conscious that this is an adventure that I cannot miss. I have a lot of hope in the project and I’m going to do my best to do it a successful project and company to help a lot of users to get in shape and keep a good health.